Generally speaking I have not seen a lot of brands consistently appear in stores or particularly denote quality. I’ve had a couple of experiences with Genius THC in the past where their products appeared to be overpackaged and very target-market looking. This third was no exception. There is a lot of bluster on the box about how Genius is a really smart choice for you. The tag line is “strains for brains”.
Really? What group of ad wizards was sitting around a white board when this got green lit? I assume that this was developed in a conversation along these lines:
“What are people afraid of when entering the cannabis market?”
“That it will make them stupid?”
“Great! How can we address that?”
“Say that it will make them smart?”
“Perfect! Send it to press!”
This is my message to the marketers of cannabis: you can do better.
That being said – a lot of the reason I had a negative experience with this bud was that it was more than half a year on the shelf before I bought it. And that is not the fault of the marketing company or even the manufacturer. As I mentioned below- I learned a lesson here to always check the package date. I will do my best to revisit this brand with an open mind and a fresher sample in the near future.