Okay so first time using a new setup - new CMS, static site, and hopefully not much else different.
I’m feeling ambivalent about this weed, though. Or maybe not exactly ambivalent; I either feel like it’s okay or maybe I feel like it’s pretty good. So like, halfbivalence.
I’m feeling very halfbivalent about the Peanut Butter Lady. And everything makes sense.
It’s tricky - I am trying to write this while I am pretty baked, because you know - review time, and also I’m trying to get used to this new text editor, which is weird. So perhaps my halfbivalence is merely an expression of general confusion, and I am confident that this weed is like slightly above average. Maybe that.
It hits fine and smooth. I feel a little sedated but I’m not a huge idiot. I can function to some degree. If I had to go to the store to get a candy bar, I am confident I could accomplish that with a very low body count.